UMY Indonesian Scholarships 2023 | Apply Now


Exceptional students seeking advanced education across various disciplines are encouraged to apply for the UMY Indonesian Scholarships 2023, which offer financial assistance.

To submit your application for the UMY Indonesian Scholarships 2023, please click here. The application deadline for these scholarships is November 10, 2023. These scholarships are open to high-achieving students with outstanding academic records worldwide. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) is now providing fully-funded scholarships for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in Indonesia. UMY offers a wide range of academic fields for study. The Fully Funded Scholarship Program at UMY is accessible to international students from all corners of the globe. Interested students who wish to apply for scholarships in Indonesia are encouraged to do so promptly to be considered for this opportunity.

Scholarship Summary

  • Country:  Indonesia
  • Institution:  Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Levels: Bachelor, Master, Ph.D..
  • Award: Fully funded
  • Eligibility: worldwide students
  • Deadline: November 10, 2023

Benefits of the Scholarship

  • Full Coverage of Tuition Fees
  • Free housing is available
  • For bachelor’s degrees, the monthly housing allowance is 1,850.000 IDR (Indonesian Rupees).
  • 2,350,000 IDR for master’s degrees and 2,600,000 IDR for doctoral degrees

Eligibility Requirements

  • Residency: To be eligible, students must hail from a foreign country as international students.
  • Master’s Degree Applicants: Candidates applying for master’s degree scholarships should have successfully concluded 16 years of formal education and obtained a bachelor’s degree.
  • Ph.D. Applicants: Those aspiring to pursue a Ph.D. scholarship should have completed 18 years of educational attainment, including a master’s degree.
  • Demonstrate a Passion for Cross-Cultural Exchange: Prospective students are expected to display a keen interest in fostering cross-cultural interactions.
  • Physical and Mental Well-being: Applicants must be in good physical and mental health to qualify for these scholarships.


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